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Billing and Claims

Billing and Claims are made easy with Partners Health Plan.

Address Change for Mailed Claims Submissions (EFFECTIVE 6/30/23)
Please submit claims by mail to Partners Health Plan  | P.O. Box 240356 | Apple Valley, MN 55124

Submit a Claim

To ensure prompt adjudication, please remember to send all claims to PHP using one of the following options: 

  • By Mail:

    Effective 6/30/23 - Please submit claims by mail to:
    Partners Health Plan
    P.O. Box 240356
    Apple Valley, MN 55124

  • Electronic Submission:

    Options for electronic claims submission

    • PHP’s Submitter ID is 14966
    • HealthSmart Clearinghouse – CareVu
      • If you’d like to establish a connection directly with CareVu, please complete the EDI Enrollment Packet.
      • For more information, you can contact CareVu at: 888-744-6638
    • Optum
      • 866-678-8646
    • Other Clearinghouses
      • Select Optum
  • Web-based Claims Submission:

    Providers can now easily create and upload a professional or institutional single claim as a pdf file via the provider portal ( Please note that only 1 claim should be uploaded per PDF.

    • Web-based claims are considered paper claims and will follow all existing claim submission protocols.
    • Please note that only valid claim forms (CMS 1500 or UB 04) may be uploaded using this method.

Billing and Claims Reminders

PHP would like to remind our providers of the ease of establishing and submitting claims electronically. In addition, we would like to also remind everyone to regularly confirm with their billing service (Clearinghouse) that all electronic submissions have been successfully transmitted and received. If the claim is not successfully transmitted, there will be delays in PHP’s ability to adjudicate the claims on a timely basis. Please check all error logs and resubmit the claim accordingly – timely filing rules still apply for resubmissions.

Balance Billing is not Permitted: Please be reminded that under New York State Law, a Provider participating in the Medicaid program, or a Medicaid Managed Care plan, is prohibited from requesting any monetary compensation from a Medicaid beneficiary, or their responsible relative.  In addition, a Medicaid beneficiary, including a Medicaid managed care member, must not be referred to a collection agency for collection of unpaid medical bills or otherwise billed.

Claims and Billing Submission Guidelines

EDI Enrollment Packet

Overpayment Refund Notification Form

Waiver of Liability Form

ECHO Payment FAQ

Provider FAQ & Quick Reference Guide

Need Provider Assistance?

The Partners Health Plan Network Development and Provider Relations team is here to assist you with your billing, claims, authorization, education, and any other general inquiry. Use the Contact Us button below to complete a Provider Ticket Submission Form.

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