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Partners Health Plan Chief Medical Officer Featured Presenter at a Resources for Integrated Care (RIC) Webinar

Strategies For Improving Care Coordination for Individuals With Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Stephan Deutsch, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Partners Health Plan (PHP), a nonprofit managed care organization dedicated to serving individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), will be a featured presenter at a Resources for Integrated Care (RIC) webinar on August 9 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. The webinar will discuss strategies for providing coordinated care for individuals with IDD, risk stratification strategies to drive interventions, and family or caregiver support, education, and outreach.

Other webinar presenters include Joan Beasley, PhD, Research Professor, National Center for START Services, Director, National Research Consortium on MH-IDD, Institute on Disability (UCED), University of New Hampshire; and Emily Lauer, PhD, MPH, Director, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, UMass Chan Medical School.  Presenters will describe the current gaps in care for individuals with IDD and they will share strategies for delivering person-centered care using interdisciplinary teams (IDTs) and innovative care coordination models.

Partners Health Plan has operated the New York Fully Integrated Duals Advantage for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FIDA-IDD) demonstration since 2016. It is the only FIDA-IDD plan in the nation and has been successfully delivering services that address the whole person and promote community involvement and independence for people with IDD who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

“Webinar participants will understand the impact of person-centered coordinated care strategies based on data,” stated Dr. Stephan Deutsch, Chief Medical Officer for Partners Health Plan, “in a managed care environment to enhance the quality of care for each individual with IDD so he/she may achieve optimal healthcare and social outcomes.”


Webinar Registration

Click here to visit the RIC website to complete the webinar registration form. If you need assistance in registering, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Continuing Education (CE) credits are available for Continuing Nursing Education and the National Association of Social Workers. Individuals are encouraged to check with their specific licensing boards or other agencies to confirm that courses taken from these accrediting bodies will be accepted by that entity.


About Partners Health Plan

Partners Health Plan (PHP) is the first-in-the-nation, provider-led managed care organization that fully integrates Medicare and Medicaid for individuals 21 years and older with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD), so they have the most complete care package. PHP provides person-centered care for whole-person wellness addressing the physical, behavioral, and social needs of individuals to assist them in living a quality life. The plan operates in 4 New York State regions (nine downstate counties): New York City, Long Island (Nassau and Suffolk counties), Rockland County, and Westchester County.

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