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Act Now!

DSP Advocacy Phone Campaign

For the past two years, New York State has not invested in direct care staff who work for nonprofit agencies (just those who work in State operated facilities).  Individuals with IDD and their families, our members, need the individuals they depend upon to earn a living wage. The system is in crisis! 

A phone campaign is underway for advocates to call Governor Hochul and tell her to invest in people with IDD by making DSPs who work in nonprofit agencies a budget priority.  

Please help elevate awareness! Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Call Governor Hochul's office at: 518-474-8390, press 3, then press 2 to speak to a person or 1 to leave a message.

STEP 2: Message script:

My name is (NAME) from (your city/town) and I am (a person IDD/family member of a person with IDD/friend of a person with IDD). I am calling to urge Governor Hochul to include money in the Executive budget proposal for Direct Care professionals who support people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). These are essential workers for the health, safety, and quality of life for people with IDD. They need a living wage as they barely earn above the minimum wage and are leaving their employment to find work to support their families. Our state has a terrible worker shortage because NY doesn’t pay a living wage for non-profit Direct Care Professionals.  We need Gov Hochul to include a wage increase for Direct Care Professionals who work for NON-PROFIT IDD PROVIDERS in her Executive Budget proposal. Thank you!

STEP 3: When you've made your phone call, please enter in this tracking form: Record your participation in Call The Governor Campaign (