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Partners Health Plan Presents at The Arc National Convention

Inclusion Benefits All: An Employment Success Story

Partners Health Plan's Cheif of Member Relations and Advocacy, Karleen M. Haines, along with PHP member Ackeem, were asked to present at the Arc’s National Convention “Inclusion Benefits All: An Employment Success Story.
They shared how Ackeem seeks to continue his successful path to independence and community involvement and how he received support and gained the confidence to seize opportunities or create them where they did not exist. They also looked at the value of hiring an inclusive workforce, the country’s general employment outlook, and how social determinants of health and access to care are crucial in order to grow, work, and live a fulfilling life.

Learning Objectives:

  • The business case for inclusion of employees with IDD and neurodiversity in the workplace
  • How circle of support teams can advocate in the current state of employment for those with disabilities
  • A personal story of employment success and growth, of a talented and determined individual